Taiwo Dayo-Payne
Midlife Coach | Writer | Trainer | Methodist Lay Preacher
Be the Hero in Your Journey...
Helping you on your Midlife Journey to Embrace Your Magnificence, Regain Your Purpose, Passion and Joy and Achieve the Results that will help you Create the Next Chapter You REALLY Want.
Many see Midlife as a crisis or a re-invention or a transition.
Midlife can also be described as a journey.
A Hero’s Journey, a quest to reconnect with your inner power.
The prize?
Your true Self and not the person you became to simply get things done or, in some cases, to survive.

You Are the hero in your midlife journey
- Do you have unrealised dreams and aspirations?- Are you facing a major life change like job loss or the end of a relationship?
Or maybe you’ve done what you need to raise the family, or to pay the mortgage or climb the career ladder…Is there something else you think you could be doing?
- You have a sense of what you want but lack clarity on exactly how that looks
- You lack the confidence to know the steps to take to create more passion, purpose and joy
Or you worry about how your choices will impact those around you.Well the good news isIt’s never too late to live the LIFE you always wanted
MIDLIFE is the time of now not never moments:- Now is the time to make the choices you want, not the choices you think you should make- Now is the time to stop worrying about what others think- Now is the time to be your authentic selfNow is the time to RECLAIM YOUR POWER AND LET YOURSELF BE SEEN AGAIN!Many people dismiss this period in as a crisis but it doesn’t have to be. We each have different experiences and different stories to tell. Every story has a Hero and EVERYONE in Midlife deserves to be the Hero in his or her story. Every Hero needs a Guide.
Let me be your Guide
Every Hero Needs a Guide…
I coach people like you who want to re-connect with your Self, embrace your magnificence and live the next chapter you REALLY want. Taking a spiritual approach to Midlife and menopause I will help you to:1. gain a stronger sense of your Self; your purpose, passion and joy so that you can make different choices2. expand your comfort zone so you can let your Self be seen - especially by you.3. take confident action to create the LIFE you are called to lead
You are Magnificent and Do Not Need Fixing
The aim of coaching is to provide a space where your development and goals are the main objective. Once the outcomes are decided my role as your coach is to facilitate you to achieve them.We focus on where you are going and not where you’ve been. Together we will identify actions that can help you move forward and you will be equipped with tools that support you to make immediate changes that will lead to you living a more empowered life.

Some ways I can help you:
1. Create Your LIFE Group Coaching Programme
2. Create Your LIFE 1-1 VIP Coaching Programme
3. Workshops and Masterclasses
Why you want to work with Taiwo
“Taiwo has the magical ability to see the things you don’t see and join the dots of things you can’t see for yourself.” Cassie Footman, London
“Taiwo is an outstanding ‘listener’ and has the ability to make you focus on what you need to work on in order to become the best version of yourself.” Sandro Barbacini, Italy
“…the tools and processes that Taiwo uses are pretty amazing. What is really important is …how she uses these tools to allow me to go through the process, breakthrough and walk away feeling lighter, happier.” Annie Kallis, Australia
“Taiwo also had seen the bigger picture right from the start, but she let me explore all the way through by myself only giving me hints and great tools to help me find the way, trusting that I would get there in the end.” Judith Boelger, Munich

As well as a qualified Transformational Coach, Taiwo certified as a Trainer and Facilitator with the highly acclaimed Blair Singer, author of Little Voice Mastery and one of Robert Kiyosaki’s (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) Rich Dad Advisors. She is the founder of The New 5ifty and uses the theme of the Midlife Hero’s Journey to help people approaching or at Midlife (40 and over) to reconnect with their Purpose, Passion, Joy and Magnificence so they can confidently create the next chapter of their lives.
Over the years she has managed and coached people to overcome barriers to achieving their career and life goals.
Taiwo is an accomplished writer and a Methodist Lay Preacher. She believes that Midlife is a spiritual journey to reclaim your Self. Taiwo sees Midlife as a new beginning not the beginning of the end and that is how she lives her life. She is committed to supporting and encouraging others to do the same.
If you have any questions then please complete your details and we will get back to you